Buffy Tarot Card Review

Buffy Tarot Set | Titan Books Ltd | RRP: £20.00 - 25.00 | Buy at Waterstones & WH Smith

Everyone should know by now that I'm a big Buffy The Vampire Slayer fan. So when I heard there was a tarot card set, I knew I just had to have it. I've got five sets of Tarot cards, I showcased one on my old blog here and needed this one in my collection. I had to wait a little while because they were sold out everywhere for a few months and eventually online shops slowly got them back in stock.

I roughly paid £20.00 and I got my set from eBay but waterstones and amazon had them in stock at the time. I had to be a bit wary of the seller as I've seen lots of fake cards out there on facebook, temu, aliexpress and eBay. The real tarot set will always come in a sturdy box that slides up, the cards will always be bigger and has a booklet. If it has a QR code on the back then this is a knock off copy. You'll also find them less than £10. That's a big give away that these are not genuine.

I'm not a fully fledged Tarot reader, I'm just a beginner, even if my readings are eerily accurate. I only do them for family and friends but feel free to contact me for a reading. I don't charge and it would be handy to practise my skill.

As for the Buffy Tarot Cards, they come in a beautiful sliding box. The cards themselves are 7x11cm which is a little bit bigger than standard deck cards so if you don't like bigger cards, you will find these harder to work with but i've had no problems with shuffling. The cards are also made out of quite thick card stock then other decks, this might be due to being a collectors item. I have read several reviews that said they were difficult to work with because they felt that the card stock was flimsy but that isn't my case.

The beautiful artwork is done by Karl James Mountford. And some of the illustrations go perfectly for the right card meanings. Based on the classic tarot imagery, The Major Arcana is the same but The Minor Arcana is made up of Stakes, Chalices, Scythes and Penticles instead of the usual Swords, Cups, Wands and Pentacles or Coins depending on your pack. I picked out just some of my fave illustrations to show you. 

The beautiful little companion book does have some mistakes such as some cards descriptions not lining up with the cards in the deck and its quite clear that some were revised after the book but for any intermidiate reader that will not be a problem, however for beginners it might be if you are learning from this booklet so I suggest having more than one Tarot book to learn from.

My favourite Tarot Card I gravitate towards is from the Major Arcana and it is The Moon card. The Moon Card in the Buffy set is represented with Faith the Slayer. And she also happens to be one of my favourite characters from the show. I assumed it would be Oz as he is a werewolf but I'm happy with this choice. The moon card can means hidden enemies, danger, darkenss, fake friends,  and deception which does feel quite right for Faith if you've seen the show.

Overrall this deck is a perfect item for a Buffy collector or a collector of pretty tarot cards and it is still quite a good deck for practising readers. I give it a 4 out of 5. 

Would you like to see what decks I have? There are so many beautiful decks out there that I would love to own. Do you believe in readings? Have you had a reading before?


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