20 Questions for Autumn Lovers

I nabbed this little question tag from Beauty and the Bookshelves

What's blogtober without a few question tags?! 

1. Favourite Thing about Autumn?

The colour changes. I love seeing the trees go from green to orange. Everything is getting colder so that means cozier nights with fluffy blankets and hot drinks.

2. Spooky Autumn or Cozy Autumn?

I'm currently preferring a Cozy Autumn but I do love spooky vibes.

3. Haunted House or Halloween Party?

I'm not a party person so I would love to visit a haunted house.

4. Carve pumpkins or Paint Pumpkins?

Nothing says Autumn and Halloween like gutting a pumpkin and carving out a face. I tried painting pumpkins one year and found it quite boring. Plus you can use pumpkin guts for making delicious food.

5. Go apple picking or go o a hayride?

I haven't done any of these but I think I would like to go apple picking and then make a delicious apple pie after wards or candy apples!

6. Pumpkin Spiced Lattes or Mulled Apple Cider?

I love love love a pumpkin spiced latte, I'm that basic autumn gal but a pumpkin creme frappucchino are amazing from Starbucks. I also love pumpkin ice cream.

7. What did you dress up for Halloween last year?

I didn't dress up as anything but I took the kids out for trick or treating but I really wanna dress up as Red Riding Hood but making it gory so shes actually on the wolf's side and chops up people for the wolf so I was thinking about getting a little basket with limbs inside of it and fake blood everywhere.

8. Failing Rain or Crackling Fireplace?

Ohh this is tough one. I like both. 

9. Have you purchased any fall decor yet?

I have purchased alittle bit of decor. Mostly from The Range. They had such a good autumn collection this year. 

10. Fvourite photo that you took last fall?

This photo I took at Greyfriers Kirkyard in Edinburgh. There's something about a spooky graveyard that I  love taking photos of. There were so many photos to choose from but this was autumnal and spooky.

11. Favourite Autumn themed movie?

I have a list here all about my fave autumnal movies. If I had to pick my ultimate fave autumn film I think I would have to pick Practical Magic!

12. Favourite colour to wear in Autumn?

I love wearing Mustard during autumn. As well as a lot of neutrals, browns and oranges.

13. Favourite Autumn themed book?

There are so many to choose from. Maybes not quite set in Autumn but I do love a good thriller such a Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn or a comfy witchy series like Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman. Perhaps a good old classic such as Harry Potter or a cheesy hit like Twilight.

14. Best way to spend a rainy day?

Wrapped up in a blanket on the sofa, watching a little bit of spooky tv such as Haunting of Hill House or Gilmore Girls for background noise and reading a good book with a cup of tea.

15. Favourite Autumn food?

I love a good apple pie with ice cream, a nice hearty beef and veg soup or pecan maple pastrys.

16. Favourite Autumn quote?

a good classic.

I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." — L.M. MontgomeryAnne of Green Gables

17. Favourite Autumn leaf?

a maple leaf

18. Favourite Autumn activity?

Aside from going out on photography adventures, I like to hang out with friends and have a spooky night in watching horror films.

19. Favourite Autumn scent?

Vanilla Pumpkin or Cinnamon.

20. Is your birthday in Autumn?

Sadly no. my birthday is in Janurary.


catch up on the rest of blogtober here


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